Privacy Policy

Vigitron Privacy Statement


Vigitron provides access to its website and content free of charge. You acknowledge and agree that Vigitron will be held responsible for the content contained within or its usage. You further acknowledge such content is being made available “as is” and “as available”. Further by the action of downloading or viewing material, you agree to hold Vigitron, free, harmless without any liability for the decision to undertake such action. You acknowledge in taking such action with regards to Vigitron’s website Vigitron will not be a party for any damages which may result. If in accessing Vigitron you have concerns with regards to risk you have the opportunity not to use the Vigitron site.

Applicable Laws

Vigitron’s website is owned by Vigitron, Inc. and is operated within the United States and administrated by Vigitron Inc. Vigitron is a California corporation governed by the laws of California. In accessing the website you agree to be bound by the laws of the state of California, San Diego County, and that any disputes arising from or related to the use of Vigitron’s website will be resolved under the jurisdiction of the state of California, San Diego County.
You accept full responsibility for compliance with any local laws regarding the use of the Vigitron website.

Privacy Terms and Conditions

Access by your actions and any and all information collected where as a result of such actions in any form is hereby granted to Vigitron Inc. for its usage for any and all functions regarding Vigitron, the company.
You acknowledge that Vigitron is the sole owner of such information collected on the website and that such information will only be shared with“others” provided for the benefit of Vigitron. These other parties may include but are not limited to those companies that provide administration and organization of Vigitron’s website and/or mailing lists.

Vigitron hereby commits that data collected by the website will not be sold, exchanged, or use in any manner not relating to the promotion of Vigitron products for otherwise deemed to be of benefit for Vigitron.

Vigitron maintains the right to use its website and information provided by you via the website to contact you in any manner and/or to use the Vigitron website without restriction for survey or other forms that provide the option for you to, or not participate. This may include updates to various materials contained on our website.

You may elect to opt-out of any form of contact by Vigitron via website or email or physical mailings by contacting Vigitron directly at or by responding as such to those organizations and companies that conduct contacts in any form and provide a method for doing so. Vigitron maintains precautions for the protection of your data as submitted to Vigitron in any form. Access to mailing lists is not maintained or accessible on our website. Responses for contact by Vigitron employees are available in several locations on our website and directed to Vigitron without being maintained on the website itself.

You may contact Vigitron at any time for review of any and all information that Vigitron maintains on your company. The release of any such information may require appropriate approvals from those individuals within your company.

You acknowledge that accessing the Vigitron Website may involve the use of “cookies” resulting in data stored on your client. The use of cookies with invoked does not link to any or all personnel data. Further, you may elect to either decline or delete the use of cookies.
You acknowledge that information obtained in accessing the Vigitron can be used by Vigitron in any manner relating to the benefit of Vigitron and/or for analytic related functions.

In accessing Vigitron’s website you hereby grant consent to the transfer of any personal data obtained by such action without geographical restriction for the benefit of Vigitron.

Should you feel that you cannot complete with the terms and conditions outlined in the policy or are in disagreement with part of all of this policy you any elect to opt-out by notifying

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