Category: Network Health Monitoring Software

Category: Network Health Monitoring Software

Vi30000 V.1 Network Health Monitoring Software
- Network health monitoring software system
- Receives status communications from up to 240,000 ports
- Pinpoints specific transmission errors, reducing system troubleshooting and downtime
- Allows monitoring through mapping and network topology
- Communicates on SNMP, TCP, UDP, and SysLog
Vi30001 V.1 Network Health Monitoring Software
- Network health monitoring software
- Monitor up to 240,000 individual connections
- Provides immediate alarm conditions
- Communicates on SNMP, TCP, UDP, and UPnP for universal integration
Vi30012 Network Health Monitoring Software
- Automatically discover connected devices by scanning
- Captures status information from Devices with Syslog Capability
- Easy to set up and operate compared to other methods
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